My Brush With Death

On a warm summer morning in June 2009, I awoke to a slight ache in my right kidney. This didn’t alarm me too much. I had felt kidney aches before, and this just seemed like another small episode, easily resolved with my usual remedies. Besides, I was a first year MBA student and had earned a great internship. It was time to work and impress!

5 Ways to Lower Your Taxes Before 2020 Is Over

As we anticipate the final quarter of 2020, this has certainly been an unusual year in many, many respects. Two substantial laws were signed into law that impacted the taxes of nearly every American: The SECURE Act and the CARES Act.

Between the implementation of these two laws and existing rules already in place, there are several tax-saving strategies that come to mind which families should consider taking advantage of before the end of the year.

Do You Need Life Insurance in Retirement?

As your retirement horizon draws closer, you may be wondering about the role life insurance plays in retirement.

Is it necessary? In what ways? How do you decide whether to extend your coverage of drop it completely? Is life insurance worth carrying into your later years?

In this post I’d like to explore the role life insurance may or may not play in your retirement.

4 Stock Market Lessons the Coronavirus Has Taught Us

At the date of this writing, Monday August 24th, the S&P 500 has just closed at a record high. While this is exciting to most “buy-and-hold” investors, many investors also understandably perplexed. In the face of massive unemployment and the coronavirus pandemic that is still ending the lives of thousands worldwide everyday, why would the stock market be performing well?